Council Management

Under section 194 of the LGA09, each local government must appoint a qualified person as its Chief Executive Officer (‘CEO’).

The role of the CEO includes implementing the decisions of the executive arm.  In fulfilling this role, the CEO manages the day-to-day operations of the local government in accordance with the plans and policies determined by the executive arm.

Section 196(1) of the LGA09 requires each local government to adopt an organisational structure that is appropriate to the performance of its responsibilities.

Chief Executive Officer

Richard Wright


  • Michael Mair – Corporate Services Director
  • Richard Fitowski – People and Communities Director
  • Wayne Douglas – Building Services Director
  • Samuel Bann – Infrastructure Director

Acknowledgement of Country

The Yarrabah Aboriginal Shire Council (YASC) wishes to acknowledge the traditional owners of the land within the shire boundaries – the Gunggandji and Yidinji peoples; and the area agreements developed through previous negotiations that provide clear opportunities and processes for traditional owners to be formally involved in the land planning process.

The Yarrabah Aboriginal Shire Council also wishes to acknowledge the historical people brought here to Yarrabah from various locations by government policies of the past.

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